Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Assignment 5. Final

Natural system - Coral

Source: http://www.wildlife-art.net/images/kimberley-coral-patterns.jpg

Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/Coral_patterns_%286163172203%29.jpg

Source: http://www.thalabeach.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/brain-coral-02.jpg

Progress pictures:

Different surfaces

I decided to 3D print the second design because most likely the first design will not print since the patterns do not join properly. I most likely will have to reprint the 3D model, as it is too small as specified by the brief.

Final model:

As seen above, my 3D print was too small and I didn't want to waste such a good print so I have decided to make another pattern using the same script but applied onto a different surface.

Download links:
Rhino file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/54fkz0vt8kdeax6/Assignment5_VivienChan.3dm

Grasshopper 3D file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rcvsgurm43l9xrn/Assignment5_GH_VivienChan.gh

Nick Senske, Grasshopper Lecture 3- Part 4: Paneling with Morph Geometry, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUqiXaF9w3A

(Vivien Chan z3466375) 

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Assignment 4. Final (Modelling | Assembly)

For assignment 4 we were required to produce a 3D model consisting of a minimum of 2 separate parts. It says in the brief "..it could be a 3D puzzle of a mechanism with rotating or moving parts.." so a lot of us misinterpreted this by creating 3D models with moving parts to it. However I think the brief was very unclear because in the next tutorial we were told to make some sort of puzzle 3D model as it was preferable. I have created two designs for this assignment as there seems to be different things said about what we are to design/ make.

Puzzle pieces

As seen in the image above I had some difficulties with the joints, there seems to be some missing lines I think this is due to when I filtered out the small lines to allow for the joint (s-shape) to sit between the edges. I have tried a few things to fix it but I'll continue to experiment and see if I can fix it.


Playing around with the size of each joint:

Breakdown of script

Download links:

Pieces arranged in Illustrator ready to be laser cut:

Laser cut pieces completed:

Christopher Whitelaw, Fab Demo: Voronoi Puzzle, http://www.christopherwhitelaw.us/?p=1064
(Part 1- 6)
(Vivien Chan z3466375)